(Attachments need GOOGLE EARTH to open. This is very useful to grid workers.
Maia's note re Google Eart.)
Maia's note re Google Eart.)
Subject: Bakhira, Arkhom (Gamiish) Grids rebooted in the Sinclair 1398 mission; new complementary action in the Pacific; action in Rosslyn. "Mother Divine Pylon" in the Bering Strait.
SUMMARY: I know you are working in the Cruxus Venus review and I think you'd wish to know this now. I'm working on a report for Joyce Zhel re the TRI POIk on the 22nd (Solstice), in the period of the Cruxus Venus project just completed. In putting together the dozens of bits and pieces it appears that EASTER ISLAND (9th chakra, Planetary Ascension Grid) has either gone active or about to. The system doing this stretches all the way to Alaska (shown in the Mamre attachment). Further, there may be an important resonance with the Bakhira Grid... probability high enough to look at anyway; I've addressed it briefly below.
BACKGROUND: For the last 2 years we have been in training by Thoth Raismes in an ongoing effort to understand the MIGDAL-AYN (Magdalene) TOWER system in ROSSLYN CHAPEL. Training has been in two locations: Tetons area in Wyoming (Ascension grid heart center) and Crestone, Colorado (crown chakra: 7th of 12). Training effectively began with study of the "Migdal-Ayn Tower" format in Rosslyn Chapel: its a carving on a wall in a very important point in the Chapel. This tower has an Ark on top of it; we have not yet learned all about the Tower but we're well along in understanding the Metatronic ARK OF GRACE/EBEN replacing the old "Ark of Karma." This involves system(s) used in generating the "new" Human Race and DNA modification of the normal 12-strand DNA molecule. This DNA coding was held by fish archetypes ("Nephesh" also means fish); its also a code in the Hebrew alphabet: letter Dallet (#4) which was drawn as a fish. The letter forms the central code of a rhombic pillar/gate in the Reshel correlating with the Bo-Az Pillar in the Solomon Temple system.
Now the fish has shifted to a BEE/HIVE using the number "77,000" which relates to the Bo-Az Pillar. There are many details in this remarkable sequence, the Bee becoming the major archetype transcending descriptions found in the Merovingian or Solarian references. We can make direct correlations between the Bee, honeycomb, hive with the Reshel grid, a "lin/linne" of water/honey elixir, a gap in the Tree (Ark location). The Ark on the Migdal-Ayn tower (first found in Rosslyn) generates a HIVE.
(1) The Bakhira Grid has a large triangle in the Atlantic with RUTA in the apex and the base line between MADISON, WI, and the Grid Center. (Shown in the Bakhira attachment.)
http://www.shameer-orion.org/pdf/Knight01b.pdf The center of the grid is farther east, shown in Google Earth as 9-21-47.8N, 51-43-36.5W. The altitude ley goes through Bermuda to Chiswick House in London via Ruta.
(2) The following sequence in group imagery describes another remarkable triangle in the Pacific, shown in the Mamre attachment. (Or skip to the PACIFIC TRIANGLE described below.)
SEQUENCE: A large group of Migdal-Ayn Towers were observed in Alaska forming a large crescent (associates with the Reshel grail, moon crescent, bull's horns). (The "Mamre" attachment shows this crescent.) VERY IMPORTANT: the western horn of the crescent is in Teller, Alaska as the nearest land site however the actual horn tip is the as yet non-physical DIVINE MOTHER PYLON, the objective of the AR-T project described at:
...I strongly feel that the Pylon is correspondent with the Bo-Az pillar (Goddess' Power, etc.), but only one of the pillars. The Reshel crescent has its two Pillars in the horn's tips... this tip is represented by the Dallet (Fish) which has now become the Bee. (Mt. Logan is at the other tip.)
...I strongly feel that the Pylon is correspondent with the Bo-Az pillar (Goddess' Power, etc.), but only one of the pillars. The Reshel crescent has its two Pillars in the horn's tips... this tip is represented by the Dallet (Fish) which has now become the Bee. (Mt. Logan is at the other tip.)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mount_Logan (The other, highest mountain, is McKinley in the Crescent or cup-rim near the rim's golden ratio point, 11th Chakra in the Ascension Grid.)
Continuing the group vision, after the Towers appeared an earthquake opened a long channel from that point to San Luis Valley, Crestone, in Colorado. This channel was then filled with a water-elixir from the San Luis Valley which held a huge cup filled with the elixir. (The Cup never emptied. The "Cup" is nearly 50 miles in diameter.) Crestone is the 7th Chakra (of 12).
77,000 Bees flew into the elixir whereupon the channel was covered, sealed, the bees still alive and humming. I think this "HUM" is resonant with the Planetary "Atoma" hum often heard physically particularly in this area as far as Taos. (I call this the BEE-LINE in the Google Earth graphic.) We later learned that the word "Ya-ar" in Hebrew means "to thicken with verdure, a copse of bushes hence a forest hence honey in a comb since honey is hived in trees." NOTE: "Y'or, yud-aleph-resh: a channel, canal, shaft, river, stream." The word "yar: yud-resh" means to reverence. There is also another template in the word "tsuph: honeycomb, to overflow, swim (would relate to the bees in the water: WSB)."
VERY IMPORTANT: The correlation of the HIVE with the opening in the tree is critical. The GAP in a tree (or pillar) is the point where the Ark is installed, including most precisely the Migdal-Ayin Tower system (found in Rosslyn Chapel)... the Sinclairs knew all this... there is an Ark on the Tower. The Sun Heros are born from the Tree, sometimes a cave or "hole in space-time"... Osiris, Merlin.
http://www.shameer-orion.org/THE PACIFIC TRIANGLE: Apex in the base of the ALASKA CRESCENT... the ROIL/ROYALE meridian comes through this apex! The Crescent or "Hive" is canted at an angle (its also an antenna). The crescent is connecting with RENNES LE CHATEAU in Southern France! The base line is between Crestone, Colorado, and Hawaii. The ALTITUDE LINE IS BASED IN EASTER ISLAND (9th Chakra).
There are two large triangles in ORION which may correlate with the two in the Pacific and Atlantic. Also in keeping with this idea I suggest that the newly discovered FALCON OF ANDORA or "STAR-BIRD BELT" The Star-Bird Belt system surpasses the 24 Breastplates of Metatron in terms of containment fields. (I think the "Belt" aspect may correlate with Orions' Belt stars. One of our recent group configurations had us doing the APHATHETA "Eye of God" heart system as a "BUCKLE" to the Belt... extremely powerful, several persons zoned-out.)
http://www.shameer-orion.org/pdf/ZodTaurus01.pdf Taurus as the Goddess, note "Her" triangle or "V."
http://www.shameer-orion.org/pdf/ORION01.PDF Orions' two triangles. Unfallen star SEKHET would be the major Belt Star.
http://www.shameer-orion.org/pdf/OrionSiriusPleiades02.pdf Taurus' Goddess (ISIS) links with Orion (Osiris).
http://www.shameer-orion.org/pdf/ReshelArk01.pdf this rough worksheet shows two persons using the Isis/Osiris interchange. So far only women have the Ark installed, 3 of them that I know of. However both partners appear to work at the level if one in the group is carrying the system. The main Ark is in the chest area, one is in the head and one in the "hara" area below the ribs. (I think there are two other systems in a horizonal cross.)
http://www.shameer-orion.org/pdf/ArkFalconOfAndora02.pdf Star-Bird Belt when it first appeared as a group configuration. I think this is the format found in the two large triangles. I believe that one of these formats is complemented by a second, essentially a male and female duality. The Taurus "V" with bar into the Pleiades is an example of the female system.
http://www.shameer-orion.org/pdf/ArkFalconOfAndora01.pdf Star-Bird Belt worksheet.
THE MYSTERIES OF THE BEE/HIVE: Still being worked. Here, the Pacific triangle was created by the BEE dynamic which we are still learning about while its being used in the group sessions. It is SOLARIAN along with the sacred composite BIRD. The last session had the Eagle with a head obscured by a cloud filled with lightning and thunder, along with much Bee activity in highly intricate procedures. Part of this action had 9 gold Nests (bird) with a gold Hive in each. I view this as the AERIOPAX Vault with the two crescents, one being a "nest" and the other the "hive", in concept:
In the Atlantic triangle the TRINITY POINT Bird-Serpent Staff forms the base line of the triangle, or is a major part of it. In the Pacific system the Bee-Line is one side of the triangle. This seems to be a couplet in function.
Yours Aye,
Bill I am sooo glad you finally have some real networking going on for this work. About time, my friend!