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Bill Buehler - Reshel Grid Master

Bill Buehler - Reshel Grid Master

William Buehler is a retired U.S. Naval Commander who has an in-depth spiritual overview & expertise of the "Reshel" grids that exist on the planet. He is considered the patriarch of Reshel Grid 'rediscovery', mechanics and function. He is the founder and author of the 'Shamir Letter' . He has accumulated his knowledge over thirty years of intense study & application while interpreting and participating in Light Synergy groups.

A man of integrity, humility and vast knowledge, Bill has profound knowledge on the topic of Reshel Grids, their ancient origin, function and role in the upcoming Ascension.

Bill makes rare appearances - opportunities you do not want to miss.

Email: roslinne@fairpoint.net

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Bill Buehler Interview with Pat Crosby: Grids, History, Equinox +

Greetings, Lightworkers,

Today, Bill Buehler consented to an hour-long interview with Pat Crosby to answer some common questions about light grids, share his love, perspective and passion of his 800 year study of them, and give some overviews of the May 2009 Light Grid Masters Workshop in Charlottesville, VA, as sponsored by the Jai Devi Ascension Network founded and directed by Peter Allen.

Some highlights of the interview include:

* How Bill got interested in studying grids (in this lifetime), and his spiritual wake-up while stationed in the military in Hawaii.

* The variety of grids and how and why they change.

* What will be achieved in the May 2009 Charlottesville VA workshop.

* How the Free Form Synergy Group Meditation came to be.

* What is so special about the Reshel Master grid - among all the other grids.

* Comments on grids and the Mayan prophecies and 2012.

Here are several formats to access the audio file:

For our dial up friends and others who want the MP3 file, go to:

Listen streaming here:
http://patcrosby.byoaudio.com/files/media/BillBuehlerInterview-PatCrosby2-7-09.mp3">Click here to download…

The audio is posted online for archival purposes at

You can find more of Bill's studies online at

If you want to stay connected, be sure to sign into each email subscription box on each separate web page.... as the system will send out an email alert to you for each new post on each separate web page. (We do NOT use your email for any other purpose, rest assured.)

You are welcome to forward this info to other interested light/grid workers.



Feb 22, 2009. 2:00 PM +
Bill Brown at Trinity Point

Details at http://LightGridMasters.blogspot.com

March 21, 2009. Spring Equinox
2-6 PM Trinity Point with Peter Allen & Friends
Lake Titicaca Peru with Pat Crosby & Friends

Join in a planetary grid experience... meditate with us during these hours - in body or remotely.

If you are interested in going to Lake Titicaca for the equinox, email Pat Crosby directly immediately
This is a low-budget, backpacker lightworker event - we will be meeting with lightworkers and indigenous elders and native Americans at the vast portal on Lake Titicaca, receiving and anchoring in newly releasing codes of light.

A few details online now (more to be added if people wish to go) at
This journey will be "walk-about" style - our itinerary will be guided from day to day on location, and we will be staying with local families away from the tourist zones. You will have lots of free time to fill in as you please (meditate, shop, tour, journal, etc.) as well as structured group times to connect with and learn with the mystical energies of this site.
(My experiences there last year are recorded at http://ForgivenessGold.blogspot.com )

APRIL 4, 2009
2:00 PM +
Pat Crosby at Trinity Point

Pat will share the story of the unfolding of the equinox events at Lake Titicaca. Galactic Light codes that she received from this sacred portal will be reviewed and transmitted.
Love donation.
Details TBA.

Wow! Our planetary party is expanding! Have a joyful and powerful ride!

Blessings of Joy, Peace, and Unconditional Love!

In Service,

Pat Crosby


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Basic Bill Links

Homepage is at

Attachments need GOOGLE EARTH to open. This is very useful to grid workers.

Greetings Reshel-Pat,

Our leader in Hawaii was named Patricia-Rachel Diegel... responsible for rebooting the Reshel system(s) in the early 1970s, died a number of years ago. A few dozen of us were from a future ashram at Wolf-Creek Pass, come back in Time to do the job. Pat's future self ran the Ashram, named ORION.

http://www.shameer-orion.org/pdf/Titan03a.pdf The center of this primary Reshel grid (Europe Goddess system) is La Rochelle, Templar sea port... same as Reshel in French and appropriately the female Chief Head Stone.

http://www.templartrails.co.uk/tours/reshel.aspx Jackie Queally uses it (with others) to teach the Reshel to her tour-workshop clients.

http://www.templartrails.co.uk/tours/rosslyn.aspx her typical programe at Rosslyn and area.

Then you've probably heard of Peter Champoux and his Arkhom Grid covering the Eastern US/Canada (and beyond). Arkhom was known to the Atlan Rutan priests as the "Gamiish" grid and was rebooted by the Henry Sinclair mission in 1398 CE. Peter has a book THE GAIA MATRIX you might wish to have. (Trinity Point is included in the Westford Knight schematic you will have heard about from the others there.)

This phamphlet (KOALA) is the best I've found for describing the cosmology most accurately supporting the Metatronic systems (24 Breasplates) and Reshel systems (3rd Breastplate). It describes the Fall, natrure of Time, the real Universes, etc.

Apparently our Universe reality was created to create a new form of human with a new form of the normal 12-strand DNA molecule. The "Fall" is just a side distraction albeit highly distracting. We are given 20 cycles to accomplish that, we're in the last of the 19th and are now overlapping into the 20th. The 19th began when Atlantis finally went down (about 9500 BCE in linear Time). The Michael Mandate refers:
(Thoth/Maia Nartoomid): "MANDATE OF THE VIOLET FLAME: (MICHAEL MANDATE: Root of the ABACUS MANDATE, a simplified summary.)

"Established by the AMETHYST THRONE (high level of Archangelic Hierarchy) under the authority of the Archangel Michael to proclaim and govern the development of Light Redemption within the Oritronic Universe.

"It's main tenet for Earth is the unification of the Nephilim and Solarian Light races, through the redemption of the Nephilim "Fallen Factor". Since all human races on Earth contain the genetics of both these supra-tribal consciousness', this principle of solvency must occur beginning at the DNA level of each individual on the planet.
" The Nature Races (Devas, animals) are also involved in the synergy of Light Forms toward development of full Light Metatronic receipt. All beings on Earth share in this program of Light Redemption."

Hawaii is the Roil/Royale pole accessing the whole Gaia/Racial Mind/Soul similar to the human head/brain (the Gaia/Racial Mind duplicates that with Greece as the ajna/brow opposite Hawaii: Europe as right forebrain, Mideast as left... explaining politics, religions, destiny of nations and groups, et al).
Some Reshel graphics:

http://www.shameer-orion.org/pdf/RESHELBASICBBa.pdf schmatic of consciousness and supporting energy systems (half of it, the other half is the same but reversed). The two halve are constantly cycling through each other (and parting) to create and discreate the systems in correct sequence.

http://www.shameer-orion.org/pdf/ReshelVaults01-02.pdf These are some of the major "Vaults" (reality frames) generated in the cycling. #2, Vault of Passage, is the star tetrahedron or "Flower of Life" most people know about, for example.

http://www.shameer-orion.org/pdf/ReshelVaults01-01.pdf #6, 7 is the AERIOPAX system. The Reshel with the Aeriopax is the primary driver for Ascension over the many ages (20 cycles) and the system effecting "LP-40" (Light Principle #40) or the actual Time-shift. Thus the huge emphasis on the system in the total existance of this Universe system... last notably used by the Templars and then Masons (they know nothing of it now). Psalm 118:19-28 applies.

http://www.shameer-orion.org/pdf/ResAeriopax02.pdf Aeriopax's 6 states of being. 16 poles can be used by light-groups to duplicate. This uses two Reshels working together... or more... the geometry uses two. The Reshel is also known as the Techad (innerplanes language) or the "ISIS Eye."


ReshelMeasurementRhombus01.pdf The golden ratio rhombuses are the "Eye of Ra" Time gates/pillars, the two systems noted in Psalm 118... the two pillars/gates are the "Gates of the Righteous" and the central pillar (Layooesh) is the "Gate of the Lord" (Yahway in the Yahway-Elohim formula).

http://www.shameer-orion.org/pdf/Lindis12b.pdf Very interesting use of the Reshel and its Time gates ("L" format, in the rhombus). Uses the Bird-Serpent Staff of Asklepios (John 3:14-15) which activates the Cetacean 13th Zodiacal sign (Delphinus in Capricorn).

http://www.shameer-orion.org/pdf/LindisL11a.pdf Geometry of the Lindisfarne "L", strangely also found in London's grid.

http://www.shameer-orion.org/pdf/RosslynPlanLgate01.pdf Reshel and L-gates found in Rosslyn Chapel (partial drawing)... example

http://www.shameer-orion.org/pdf/ChartresFront02B.pdf Reshel used at Chartres. This vertical system hinges horizontally so the Rose Window overlaps (L-shifts) to the Labyrinth.

http://www.shameer-orion.org/pdf/ChartresLabyrinthPulpit02.pdf red dots are where people would be stationed... originally when the cathedral was up to speed, when built. Light groups can duplicate.

http://www.shameer-orion.org/pdf/ChartresPlanLGate02.pdf Chartres has an L-Gate chapel similar to Rosslyn's. The plan uses 4 Reshels (8-poled ring); only two shown here for simplicity. The Labyrinth Reshel system with Towers, is the main working system. The TEMPLA MAR format is used (graphic above Roil Point, 1st one)

http://www.shameer-orion.org/pdf/MALTAmnajdra01A.pdf example in an ancient temple, at Malta.
I have dozens of earth grid graphics.

Yours Aye,
